Financed through a collaborative effort 

Workshop zum Thema Zukunft Kunstmuseum Bern

The renewal of the museum is a joint effort: it is to be financed through public sector funds, private individuals, foundations and businesses. The overall costs for the renovation of the Stettler Building and the renovation and extension of the museum amounts to around CHF 147 million. This includes expected construction inflation of around CHF 27 million until the complex is opened in 2033.

Hansjörg Wyss, chairman of Wyss Foundation, is contributing CHF 30 million through his generous commitment: CHF 20 million for the new replacement building and CHF 5 million for redesigning Hodlerstrasse. He will provide another CHF 5 million subject to the condition that at least another CHF 7.5 million in private funds can be raised for the museum’s new extension building. 

The financing plan anticipates contributions from private individuals, foundations and businesses amounting to CHF 52 million (including the contributions from Hansjörg Wyss). Now that the architectural competition is finished and the project is available, actual negotiations with potential donors can begin. Many preliminary discussions have already taken place. Private individuals, foundations and businesses have promised support. 

Canton Bern is being requested to assume the costs for the renovation of the Stettler Building and the Hodlerstrasse 6 property, and to contribute to the new building. The renovation of the Stettler Building is necessary independently of the “Kunstmuseum Bern of the future” project. The canton must only pay as much for the new building as it would have cost to renovate the extension building constructed in 1984. The canton is also being asked to assume all costs associated with inflation. 

The overall costs incurred by the canton of approx. CHF 95 million are a good investment: only the renewal option including the new building allows for private funds to the tune of around CHF 50 million. The renovation-only option would still cost the canton approx. 75 million. In other words, for additional costs of approx. CHF 20 million, the canton can secure contemporary, sustainable infrastructure for the Kunstmuseum and thus create significant added value. 

The City of Bern is getting involved in various ways: it is transferring building rights to the Hodlerstrasse 6 property to the Kunstmuseum Bern Foundation at no charge and covering the costs for public spaces and streets. The “Museumsstiftung für Kunst” of the Burgergemeinde Bern has already pledged CHF 2 million. 

Jonathan Gimmel
"The winning project offers convincing architectural answers for new art experiences and public meeting places for all, while remaining consistent with the principles of climate protection and energy efficiency. To keep costs stable and predictable, the plans and project planning are based on a cost ceiling. We are thrilled to be safeguarding the future viability of the Kunstmuseum for subsequent generations with this project."


Jonathan Gimmel, President of the Board of Trustees of the Kunstmuseum Bern – Zentrum Paul Klee umbrella foundation, member of the jury 


Survey of costs (Cost accuracy +/- 25%) 
New replacement building, including renovation of the building on Hodlerstrasse 699 Mio.
Renovation Stettler Building 25 Mio.
Equipment costs / relocating art5,5 Mio.
Reserves12 Mio.
Upgrading of Hodlerstrasse5,5 Mio.

Total costs for the renovation of the Stettler Building and renovation/extension of the museum (including inflation until 2033)

147 Mio.


Planned cantonal contribution including inflation until 203395 Mio.

Foundation of the Kunstmuseum Bern

  • 30 Mio. The Wyss Foundation
  •   2 Mio. «Museumsstiftung für Kunst» of the Burgergemeinde Bern
  •   2 Mio. Additional private funds already pledged 

Remaining funding from foundations, businesses, private individuals and third-party funds

52 Mio.
  • Donations

    With your generous donation, you are helping to safeguard the future of Kunstmuseum Bern and actively supporting the completion of the planned replacement building.

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