VernissageMarisa Merz. Ascoltare lo spazio / Listen to the Space
Thursday 30.1.2025
Start 18:30
Doors 18:00
Free admission
Marisa Merz (1926–2019) was one of the leading figures of the post-war Italian art scene, and closely associated with the Arte Povera movement, the only woman to be so. The subtle power of her work reveals itself in an inwardly nourished vision. Her creations are characterised by silence, poetry, and the quest for the fragility of art, which parallels that of life.
We cordially invite you and your friends to the vernissage!
The following persons will speak:
Astrid Bärtschi
Regierungsrätin und Vorsteherin der Finanzdirektion des Kantons Bern
Nina Zimmer
Director Kunstmuseum Bern – Zentrum Paul Klee
Livia Wermuth
Curator of the exhibition
Limited number of participants, no guarantee of a seat
We look forward to seeing you! We will take photos at the vernissage. Please let us know if you do not wish to appear in published pictures.
Upcoming events
Thu 30.1.2025
Free admission
Sat 1.2.2025
—14:30Treffpunkt: Atelier
6 – 14 Jahre/anni
Tue 4.2.2025
—18:30Treffpunkt: bei der Kasse
Tue 11.2.2025
—18:00Treffpunkt: bei der Kasse
Sun 16.2.2025
—11:30Punto d'incontro: al Café
Sun 16.2.2025
—13:00Treffpunkt: bei der Kasse
Plan your visit