VernissageCarol Rama. A Rebel of Modernity
Doors 18:00

Sexuality, madness, illness and death are the big themes that Carol Rama (1918 – 2015) addressed in her art. She is one of the outstanding modern women artists, who gained recognition late in life.
As early as the 1930s, Rama paved the way for contemporary feminist art with representations of female desire and created an experimental, radical and personal body of work over a period of about seventy years. The Kunstmuseum Bern is showing the first comprehensive survey exhibition in Switzerland devoted to the Turin artist, with works from all the creative phases of her extraordinary oeuvre.
We cordially invite you and your friends to the vernissage!
The following persons will speak:
Evi Allemann
Regierungsrätin Kanton Bern, Vorsteherin der Direktion für Inneres und Justiz DIJ
Nina Zimmer
Director Kunstmuseum Bern – Zentrum Paul Klee
Livia Wermuth
Curator of the exhibition
Limited number of participants, no guarantee of a seat
We look forward to seeing you! We will take photos at the vernissage. Please let us know if you do not wish to appear in published pictures.
Kommende Führungen
Tue 18.3.2025
—18:30Treffpunkt: bei der Kasse
Sun 30.3.2025
—11:00Treffpunkt: bei der Kasse
Sun 13.4.2025
—11:00Treffpunkt: bei der Kasse
Tue 29.4.2025
—18:30Punto d'incontro: al Café
Sun 4.5.2025
—11:00Treffpunkt: bei der Kasse
Sun 18.5.2025
—11:00Treffpunkt: bei der Kasse

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