Gifts, inheritances & legacies

With a donation, an inheritance or a legacy, you can support the Kunstmuseum Bern in fulfilling its cultural mission for future generations.

The Kunstmuseum Bern can look back on a long tradition of donations and testamentary bequests. In 1874, for example, Albert Anker, in his capacity as a member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Berne, firmly supported the construction of an art museum. But it was only thanks to a bequest of 350΄000 francs from the late Bernese architect Gottlieb Hebler that the financial means were available and the construction of the Kunstmuseum Bern could be realized.

Would you also like to leave something beyond your lifetime?

By making a donation or a bequest in your will to the Kunstmuseum Bern, you are joining this tradition and helping to secure the museum's long-term future. We will be happy to advise you.

The most frequently asked questions

  • When you make a gift, you leave a cash or non-cash benefit (e.g. a work of art) to a person or organization during your lifetime.

    If you are considering donating a work of art to the Kunstmuseum Bern, we recommend that you contact us in advance.

  • You can decide for yourself who should inherit what - taking into account the compulsory portions for spouses and direct descendants. Charitable organizations such as the Kunstmuseum Bern can also be beneficiaries. This enables you to remain committed to art beyond your lifetime. Inheritances and legacies to charitable organizations are exempt from inheritance tax in Switzerland and can therefore have their full effect without deduction.

    • Legacy/bequest: In your will or inheritance contract, you bequeath a fixed sum of money or certain valuables to the Kunstmuseum Bern. If you are considering bequeathing a work of art, we recommend that you contact us in advance.

    • Inheritance: In your will, you designate the Kunstmuseum Bern as heir to a percentage of your estate - taking into account the compulsory shares of vulnerable spouses and direct descendants. The Kunstmuseum Bern thus becomes a co-heir. If there are no spouses or direct descendants, the entire estate can also be left to the Kunstmuseum Bern as sole heir.

    We recommend that you discuss the will or inheritance contract with a notary you trust. We will be happy to advise you and can also put you in touch with specialists.

Donations and bequests

A selection of donations and bequests entrusted to the Kunstmuseum Bern.

  • Selbstbildnis von Giovanni Giacometti
  • Kleiner Traum in Rot von Wassily Kandinsky
  • Strickendes Mädchen von Albert Anker
  • Géometrique et ondoyant, plans et lignes von Sophie Taeuber-Arp
  • Lisière de village von Pierre Auguste Renoir
  • Brown and Silver II von Jackson Pollock


Birgit Achatz

Head of Sponsoring & Fundraising 
Kunstmuseum Bern-Zentrum Paul Klee

+41 31 328 09 10

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