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Your donation will help us to preserve and expand our collection, implement a broad educational program, fulfill our research mandate and realize important exhibitions.
The Kunstmuseum Bern is a tax-exempt organization of the Canton of Bern. Once we have received your donation, we will send you a personal message of thanks, which will serve as proof of your tax deduction.
Online donation
Donate with the QR payment slip
Open your e-banking app, scan the QR code and enter the desired donation amount. Or download the QR payment slip.
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Donations by bank transfer
IBAN: CH24 0079 0016 5613 0809 6
Account holder: Kunstmuseum Bern, Hodlerstrasse 8-12, 3011 Bern
Financial institution: Berner Kantonalbank, 3001 Bern
Note: Donation
Contact us
"Would you like to find out more? I look forward to talking to you."
Birgit Achatz
Head of Sponsoring & Fundraising
Kunstmuseum Bern-Zentrum Paul Klee